I'm sure most of my readers know about a little "incident" that 0ccured in Emmy and Lala's bedroom.
It almost happened again. This is why I need to blog and watch TV a little less....
I know what you're going to say.......let me guess, "Did you not learn your lesson, Melissa?" or was it this, "Why do you still have lipstick where she can get to it?" Lay off! Okay??? I still need to put my "face" on. You think I should lock and key it?
Oh, she's crafty, this one. Sidenote: See the contour of her lips? She actually impressed me with her precision. Refocus: Yes, she's devious. She was supposed to be napping. I was watching a movie with Lala when I heard my bedroom door. She has done reconnaissance (yeah, baby, I didn't even need spellcheck for that one!). She knew just what she was after. It was her plan all along. Don't think so? Wise and cunning this one is she (Yoda). She will go far in life. She's ambitious, motivated and she scares the hooha out of me! Have you seen the butler from "Mr. Deeds"? He moves like a ninja and then next thing you know, he's right behind you.
Well, she cleverly sneaks, always looking over her shoulder and pulls a little "mission impossible" stunt.
What are your predictions for Emmy's future? What is her lot in life? Let me hear you......
Oh my gosh, because it is not my lipstick and my kid I am going to say this is just too darn cute...
Oh man, she's a sneaky one. I'll register a guess that she'll be a Private Investigator since she loves sneaking around behind your back. We've pegged the redhead as an engineer because he'll just lay on the floor while pushing a car back and forth just watching how the wheels roll.
Clever little girl you have there. I am going to guess an undercover agent since she can fool you into thinking she is napping while she is really plotting to investigate your lipstick collection.
No, no, no, no, no, y'all. She is totally going to own a fabulous cosmetics company. I'll be her biggest customer.
Clearly it's what God's made her for. She's only following her God-given desires. And she looks beautiful doing it.
Beautiful Emily. She will be so busy wrapping all the guys around her little finger, she won't need a profession. But, just in case she wants to work, I think that she will probably be a professional smile maker. She is one of the sweetest babies I have ever had the opportunity to hang out with.
But Lula could be right as well...
She is just to cute -- Watch out teenage years.
CIA? You might want to move somewhere really, really rural when she's a teenager! :)
She will be the future of Estee Lauder....the extent that she will go to get make up at her age says she is destined to be a cover girl of sorts. Look out world!
Diff topic...I need you for my 50 state challenge...come over and and claim your state crown Don't forget your evening gown;)
okay, since no one else said it....i'll say it.....
professional jewel thief...she'll eventually learn it isn't all about lipstick, but diamonds!
The precision really IS to be praised. Seriously, she's got a gift.
This is pretty much why I don't wear lipstick anymore! The Wild One used up my entire stash playing "dress up."
But it looks so pretty on her...
LMAO I just had to do a redeem myself post on my blog since SOME PEOPLE thought it unfair that I only showed the one side: My grandson the evil genius.
Sounds like you are lucky to have a devious genius on your hands as well. Good luck with that. ;-)
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