On Wednesday, my second born turned 4 years old. We celebrated by taking her to Burger King for a kid's meal and playing on the playground. We had church that night, so we had a party for her at my In-Laws on Saturday. We had a great time. My mom and dad came with my brother and my grandmother. Eric's grandparents were there, along with my sister and brother-in-law and nephew. Whew! Did I forget anyone?
Eric's mom got Lauren a horsie cake. She got some very nice gifts from everyone. We laughed and ate and just had a really nice day.

I can't believe it's been 4 years since Lauren came into our lives. She is such a blessing. I love that each of my children bring something different into our family.
Lauren is definitely the dreamer. She has quite an imagination and the world is her stage. She loves to sing and dance and gallop around. According to her, she doesn't have hands, she has hooves. She's a horsie girl, through and through.......Thank you to everyone who shared in her birthday celebration.

Cutest Horsie Girl I ever saw
that is the cutest cake i ever saw! just adorable!
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