Monday, July 30, 2007

Ergun Caner was nothing like I imagined. I pictured a guy in a suit. Very professor-ish.! Try jeans, black shirt with a wrestler on it, and racing stripes in his goatee!!! It was awesome! I have such a respect for his teaching and his attitude toward reaching the lost. As Christians, we tend to surround ourselves with other believers. Why? Didn't Jesus command us to "GO" (Matthew 28:19)? It's sad that we think we are growing in our walk with Him just by going to church 3 times a week. I'm not saying we should abandon meeting together. No, we need that. However, why aren't we telling our waitress, our cashier, the person at the next gas pump (you get the point?) about how to have an eternal, restored fellowship with our Savior? We have the cure to moral cancer, but we don't say anything. Dr. Caner shared where he spends a lot of his time. "Hostile environments" is the way he put it, I think. The Christian Coffeehouse is not where you will win the most souls. Try Hot Topic or the Hemp Factory. Paul said, "To the Jew I became a Jew" (1 Corinthians 9:20). Doesn't that mean we need to spend time where they spend time? We draw nearer, everyday, to the return of Christ. Do you really want to see those you love or even don't love spend eternity in Hell? I don't. Romans 12:1 says that we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is our reasonable service. Reasonable? Yes! It's the least we can do for someone who died in our place! He took the punishment we deserve. Can't we at least spread the GOOD NEWS! I don't think it's too much to ask. I encourage you to listen to Ergun Caner on YouTube. His testimony is in 3 parts, but it's worth the watch, I promise you. I pray I won't give up on those I love and don't love. Eternity is a long time.............forever, actually.....................Melissa


CroppinRobin said...

Sounds like you had a 'blast'! How neat that you have been able to go to 2 camp/retreats right in a row!
I'll have to watch the YouTube clips.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying reading the blogs about what's up in your world-Leslie

Melissa said...

Thanks, Leslie! Love ya!